Friday, December 12, 2008

Missionary Presentation

Recently the Awana group where the kids have been fellowshipping on Sundays asked us to prepare a class about missionaries. It's an ongoing part of their program to invite people that have served as missionaries to talk to the children about their experiences.
I decided to prepare a powerpoint presentation that we did with the children. I have posted it here in the side bar for anyone who would like to see it as well.
I would be pleased if any of you want to use it with your own children's group. It's fairly self contained and only needs an adult to talk them through it and bring up the volunteers in several places. I only ask that you please let me know that you have decided to use it in a quick email or comment on this blog. Thanks!
I hope you find it enjoyable!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


A little statistic for you: To date we have prepared and taken down 78 baby blanket bundles since we started this project!
I have received quite a few more baby clothes that are in good condition and designated for future baby bundle packages. Thankfully I have for both boys and girls. I hope to prepare even more packages for the next trip down. Currently we need more socks, t-shirts and the blankets themselves. If anyone is interested in making a blanket or has a gently used baby blanket please pass them on to us before March 30th.
To honor the efforts put into the handmade blankets I will be posting pictures of the handmade blankets that we recieve in a flicker photo group. Look for that soon.

I have also considered the need for baby hats as I didn't include them in every package previously. It does get cool and even cold in Guatemala and most of the babies I have held and seen carried around by their mothers have colds. So I will be posting more about baby hats soon as I have information concerning a simple pattern for making hats from cotton Tshirts of adult or children size. I need to give the pattern a little testing and will get back to you.

Notes about Adrian's Trip

Adrian was able to spend three weeks on his visit to Guatemala and Costa Rica. The baby blankets were able to touch many in need and reach their hearts as well. Of the 18 that went down, 12 were distributed while he was there. The other 6 are with Cristina who will continue to visit mothers as she hears of them. We hope to send her more bundles soon so that she can always have some on hand. As a mother herself and young at that she is a special inspiration to those she talks with especially the other young mothers looking ahead to life with children.
There were other stops and people ministered to and prayed with during this visit. And research into locations and financial requirements for our next steps. It was a positive trip.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Working Mother

Mayra, 17, a single mother works making tortillas all day. Her baby stays there where she works. Visiting her was a touching time. She has a lot of determination and hopes to raise her baby and send him to school. She was able to come into a neighbors house and visit and hear about the Lord. She prayed for the Lord to come into her heart and for help in raising her baby.


Adrian and Wilbur had been told by several different people about this young single woman just 19, who has two week old twins. So they went to find her and visit with her. Eventually they were able to find where she lives but they were not able to see her in person. The women here in the photos are her mother and grandmother. Mother and babies had left at dawn to work in the fields putting in the next vegetable crop. She keeps both of her babies in the fields with her all day. You may not expect how cold it is in this region, the afternoon when Adrian arrived it had warmed up quite nicely but was still cool. In the morning when the mother leaves it's nearly freezing. Blankets and clothing were just what was needed, maybe even vital to the babies survival and the grandma's were so touched and received the gifts for her. The older women prayed to recieve Jesus as well and we pray that they can convey to the young mother some of what they heard as well.

Unwed Mother Center

In San Jose Pinula, Guatemala, there is a small home that receives unwed teen girls when they are pregnant. The tiny ministry encourages the mothers to keep their babies and teaches them skills to enable them to be able to survive and make a way with their child. Not all of the mothers are willing or able to do this so many end up leaving their babies at the center which houses them until they are taken to orphanages or adopted. There were quite a few little babies and toddlers this visit.
They currently had two girls the one who already had her baby is almost 16, and the other 17 is 7 months along. The girls were so thankful for the baby packages as the center has limited supplies, it mostly can only offer room and meals. The mother with her baby was able to talk more at length and Adrian shared the Lord with her as well.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Blankets blessing mothers in Guatemala

Adrian, Wilbur (Adrian's long time friend also from Costa Rica who was spending a few months in Guatemala for missions work with Gabe and Cristina) and our daughter Cristina (she just had her own baby two weeks before this visit!) were able to visit this young single woman and her new baby, her brother talked with them as well. Going to visit families like this one speaks to their hearts and opens opportunity to share the Lord with them. To find this woman took a bit of effort as they live in a section of town that is built in disarray, the small houses are on odd lots usually inhabited by squatting on vacant lands. She was referred to us by a friend of ours, a simple Christian woman who lives in the area and keeps her eyes and heart open to the needy people around her.

Ana is another pregnant mother Adrian and Wilbur ran into in Santa Maria de Jesus (a small town in Guatemala), her husband works far away in the fields and is able to provide very little for Ana, many young families live in this type of situation. Ana had absolutely nothing for her baby and was so touched to recieve some things to use for her newborn. She also prayed with them to recieve the Lord and sends her thanks to those who provided for her baby.

Cristina and her family

We're proud grandparents and want to share some of their smiles!
Gabe, Cristina with daughters Kayla and new baby Elisa.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

More beautiful blankets for the project

My mother, Carolyn Carner and my aunt Margorie Freebourne sent along these handmade blankets for the packages. They got to us just in time.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

New Baby Wrap Packages

With the help of the Weis Library United Methodist Church of Fairview, PA, we gathered and prepared 18 more Baby Wrap packages for the 2008 trip. Nine for boys and nine for girls. Each set was lovely and contained the basics. THANKS to all who donated!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Who do these Packages benefit

Our main goal is to offer hope and encouragement to the many young unwed mothers that are prevalent in Guatemala. Many have no means of support and no way to prepare for their coming child. The gift of these basic items is merely a token of help compared to their great need. But it gives brings them hope and faith that God sees them and their need. We don't generally just pass these out on the run. Each bundle is taken to the mother and time is spent getting to know her, her need, and about her life. We share with her from God's message and help her to come to know Him as her own best friend when possible. We never leave without praying with her for her coming child and for her life. Even those who aren't ready to accept the Lord rarely deny us the chance to pray for them. Other times we reach women who already have had their baby but are still in great need and other women are married or have other children already but are still in great need. Each one is different.

What is a Baby Wrap or Newborn Blanket of Hope package?

Each package contains a newborn layette consisting of 2 sleepers, 2 outfits, 4 T-shirts or onesies, 4 pairs of socks, a small soft baby toy, 1 light recieving blanket or sheet and 1 handmade baby blanket.
Items are bundled together in a special baby bag that serves double duty when taken home as a clean place to store baby's things.

Other items that can be included and are given out when available are cloth diapers, soakers or rubber pants, newborn washcloths and towels, and baby hats.

At this time we are not able to ship large baby equipment items as much as they are needed.