Friday, November 21, 2008

Unwed Mother Center

In San Jose Pinula, Guatemala, there is a small home that receives unwed teen girls when they are pregnant. The tiny ministry encourages the mothers to keep their babies and teaches them skills to enable them to be able to survive and make a way with their child. Not all of the mothers are willing or able to do this so many end up leaving their babies at the center which houses them until they are taken to orphanages or adopted. There were quite a few little babies and toddlers this visit.
They currently had two girls the one who already had her baby is almost 16, and the other 17 is 7 months along. The girls were so thankful for the baby packages as the center has limited supplies, it mostly can only offer room and meals. The mother with her baby was able to talk more at length and Adrian shared the Lord with her as well.

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