Friday, November 21, 2008


Adrian and Wilbur had been told by several different people about this young single woman just 19, who has two week old twins. So they went to find her and visit with her. Eventually they were able to find where she lives but they were not able to see her in person. The women here in the photos are her mother and grandmother. Mother and babies had left at dawn to work in the fields putting in the next vegetable crop. She keeps both of her babies in the fields with her all day. You may not expect how cold it is in this region, the afternoon when Adrian arrived it had warmed up quite nicely but was still cool. In the morning when the mother leaves it's nearly freezing. Blankets and clothing were just what was needed, maybe even vital to the babies survival and the grandma's were so touched and received the gifts for her. The older women prayed to recieve Jesus as well and we pray that they can convey to the young mother some of what they heard as well.

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